
Vivek Gumaste

Academic Vivek Gumaste, who is based in the United States, is the author of My India: Musings of a Patriot. You can e-mail the author at

Stories by Vivek Gumaste

Why India needs a hard-line policy on Kashmir

Why India needs a hard-line policy on Kashmir   27 Aug 2014

It is imperative that we deconstruct the current narrative and rewrite the storyline. To this end we need to alter the basic premise of the controversy, eliminate the obstructionists, home in on the true stakeholders and redefine the rules of engagement, says Vivek Gumaste.

The BJP is not rewriting history

The BJP is not rewriting history   22 Jul 2014

One cannot but infer that this brouhaha is a crafty ploy to create an issue out of a non-issue. An overview of post-independent India's history reveals that it is not the BJP or the Sangh Parivar but Marxist historians who have been guilty of debasing history to suit their vested interests, says Vivek Gumaste.

Why we can and should debate Article 370

Why we can and should debate Article 370   6 Jun 2014

Article 370 is an anachronistic decree that has outlived its utility, militates against India's sovereignty, and discriminates against both Indians and Kashmiris by mutually excluding each other from syncretic growth. It is redundant, can be debated and constitutionally discarded, says Vivek Gumaste.

Why we need to reject the AAP

Why we need to reject the AAP   18 Mar 2014

Honesty coupled with pragmatism translates to good governance. Honesty plus hubris and self-righteousness spells disaster: that is what the AAP is, says Vivek Gumaste

Why we need to reject the AAP

Why we need to reject the AAP   18 Mar 2014

The Wendy Doniger controversy: An Alternative View

The Wendy Doniger controversy: An Alternative View   17 Feb 2014

In any controversy, the participants cannot decide who is right or wrong. A democracy has a process in place to settle these disputes: the judiciary. Dinanath Batra in true democratic fashion availed of that opportunity citizen and Penguin's decision was the outcome of a legitimate legal battle, says Vivek Gumaste.

Why the BJP cannot compromise on Article 370

Why the BJP cannot compromise on Article 370   20 Jan 2014

Article 370 is a golden cage that keeps Kashmiris trapped in a stifling environment, deters other Indians from investing in the state perpetuating its economic penury and expressly hinders the understanding of India; all under the false premise of preserving a narrow parochial identity, says Vivek Gumaste.

Looking for the real Sardar Patel

Looking for the real Sardar Patel   12 Nov 2013

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's sage advice remains as relevant today as it was during his lifetime, says Vivek Gumaste.

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